月別アーカイブ: 2014年4月

2013 CQ WW DX CW Log Check Report


Contest: 2013 CQ WW DX CW CONTEST
Call: JN3VQM
Category: Single Op 21 MHz QRP
Overlay: Classic (恥)…ちゃんとルール読め

************************** Summary ***************************

102 Claimed QSO before checking (does not include duplicates)
94 Final QSO after checking reductions

252 Claimed QSO points
212 Final QSO points

39 Claimed countries
36 Final countries

23 Claimed zones
20 Final zones

62 Claimed mults
56 Final mults

15624 Claimed score
11872 Final score

7.8% Error Rate based on claimed and final qso counts
0 (0.0%) calls copied incorrectly
4 (3.9%) exchanges copied incorrectly
0 (0.0%) band change violations
4 (3.9%) not in log
1 (1.0%) duplicates (Removed without penalty)
0 (0.0%) calls unique to this log only (not removed)

********************** Results By Band ***********************

Band QSO QPts Zone Cty Mult

Claimed 160M 0 0 0 0 0
Final 160M 0 0 0 0 0

Claimed 80M 3 2 0 0 0
Final 80M 3 2 0 0 0

Claimed 40M 1 3 0 0 0
Final 40M 1 3 0 0 0

Claimed 20M 0 0 0 0 0
Final 20M 0 0 0 0 0

Claimed 15M 98 247 23 39 62
Final 15M 90 207 20 36 56 …… 207 x 56 = 11592

Claimed 10M 0 0 0 0 0
Final 10M 0 0 0 0 0

Claimed All 102 252 23 39 62 Score 15624
Final All 94 212 20 36 56 Score 11872

************************* Not In Log *************************

21040 CW 2013-11-23 0154 JN3VQM 25 KH6LC 31
21030 CW 2013-11-23 0630 JN3VQM 25 UP2L 17
21036 CW 2013-11-23 0710 JN3VQM 25 E71A 15
21038 CW 2013-11-23 2348 JN3VQM 25 VE7GL 3

*************** Incorrect Exchange Information ***************

21016 CW 2013-11-23 0035 JN3VQM 25 BA8AT 23 correct 24 (恥)
21022 CW 2013-11-23 2301 JN3VQM 25 N7AT 4 correct 3 (恥)
21019 CW 2013-11-23 2341 JN3VQM 25 K2YY 5 correct 3 (恥)
21050 CW 2013-11-24 0007 JN3VQM 25 WW4LL 4 correct 5 (恥)

********************** Lost Multipliers **********************

21040 CW 2013-11-23 0154 JN3VQM 25 KH6LC 31 Not in log -Z
21040 CW 2013-11-23 0154 JN3VQM 25 KH6LC 31 Not in log -C
21030 CW 2013-11-23 0630 JN3VQM 25 UP2L 17 Not in log -C
21030 CW 2013-11-23 0630 JN3VQM 25 UP2L 17 Not in log -Z
21036 CW 2013-11-23 0710 JN3VQM 25 E71A 15 Not in log -C
21019 CW 2013-11-23 2341 JN3VQM 25 K2YY 5 correct 3 -Z

************ Stations Copying JN3VQM Incorrectly *************

21030 CW 2013-11-23 0106 RM0F 19 JN3KQM 25
21054 CW 2013-11-23 0736 SP3ASN 15 JN3VQG 25
21000 CW 2013-11-23 0752 S21ZBB 22 JN2VQM 25
21084 CW 2013-11-23 0957 YU7EE 15 JN3WQM 25
21069 CW 2013-11-24 0005 W1SRD 3 JN3VQU 25